Saturday, June 19, 2010

Favorite things in Black and White

  Recently I came across some dozens of love letters sent to a lady in the forties, she keep them all neatly tied up in a bunch. I read some of them and luckily I found a picture of her and her lover, I can't tell how things end since I haven't been able to read them all, I will post more on this later.and yes I feel like I'm reading correspondence that does not belongs to me, things that nobody should know but her, however any events passes about 50 plus years ago.. what is your opinion on the matter? should I keep reading them at all or not?

Babies sleeping on a shell nest, I collect these small green houses and fill them with my collections of faeries and shells.

My little creepy girl it's almost natural size, she wears my hat collections.

I'm linking to "Few of My favorite Things Saturday"
Most of the things that I keep at home are found on State sales, antique stores, flea markets and even yard sales, so please come on in...


  1. Oh Yes! Read the letters, and then write a book. I love old letters. How great that you found them and a photo of the two. Your little green house is so pretty, and your bust is a great place to display your hats. Thank you so much for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  2. I am with the letters. I love your creepy girl bust!
    xo, Sherry

