Friday, December 3, 2010

French Apothecary Office+ Creative Home Lab

For some time I have been saving all my apothecary finds: glass jars, cedar boxes, dark stained furniture, cubicles... and the soothing smells of my childhood of , anise, camomille, mint and chloroform( I know, I know its volatile and toxic) but those are the smells takes me to my dad's pharmacy where I spent long hours of my childhood. Neither my dad or his pharmacy full of wonderful substances exists now, all I can do is to reproduce the one in my dreams...  come back soon


  1. Very Very Beautiful Blog and your good thinking "my life is portrait " i like it well done . and vintage all picture's .Good Sharing Your Blog . Thanks

    Romantic Dinner

  2. Thanks for your comment about painting the icon...
    I wanted to tell you that my hubby is active duty military as well.
    We have that in common, as well as a love for vintage!
    Great blog, and I am now a proud follower!

  3. OMG ! Amazing posting for home lab. mind blowing your this post i love it

  4. wow amazing its so beautiful Thanks for sharing

